Tuesday, July 14, 2015

COMMENTARY: PNM now The Limp Force - Rabindra Moonan

Rabindra Moonan
As the date for the general elections draws closer, the PNM has now emerged as the Limp Force.

Starting from the blocks early, spitting fire and brimstone, Rowley and his then gay group have now sputtered as a miserable bunch. Their campaign has faltered badly and infighting and blame throwing are now the order of the day.

Rowley’s intelligence unit offered him with psychic precision the dates closest to May 24 and June 24 as the likeliest dates for the elections, and he being adept at minding marks put all his money on those dates.

He recalled Clarence from his home base in Canada to retake residence in Mayaro. He made sure to get rid of Penny and replace her with Camille in the Senate and unleashed the garrulous Farris on the peaceful people of San Fernando.

Rowley was brimming with confidence as he felt he knew the date even before Kamla. His hubris and vision for blue lights caused him to throw caution to the wind as he dispensed with some of his hard working members in order to return the PNM to a dark era.

Rowley went so far as to order containers of tee shirts and flags from China as he prepared to cash in on catching the Partnership off guard. He booked radio and television time while he primed columnists to write away his misdeeds. Cosmetologists were hired by the dozens to give Rowley a new and improved outlook, while tailors from across the globe outfitted him in new apparels. The Baliser tie was now replaced by a new collection of winter scarves and a smiley face had taken the place of the traditional scowl.

As the new Rowley was about to be paraded on the country his mark did not play! The elections were three months later than he had planned and panic set in. Rowley realized that his intelligence was not all that intelligent and that they really gathered information while liming at Trotters and at some supermarket outlets. He was out maneuvered by Kamla again!

The change in date meant that Rowley’s campaign strategy was now in tatters. His powder and other make up were now beginning to run and the scarf had lost its mysterious effect. His short flirtation with Jack had proven to be fatalistic even to his battered image and geriatric youth officer Hinds was now on the loose.

Rowley found himself having to say sorry every week, from misrepresenting the President, to maliciously accusing the EBC on election writs and more recently apologizing to a gentleman like Timothy Hamel Smith who was savaged by Hinds.

Rowley is now powerless to stop the racist ranting of his Romeo and Juliet and every alligator and Hindu woman in the PNM are too embarrassed to identify with what sadly may appear to be the party’s position on race relations. This situation may get even worse when Camille makes her appearance with Rowley’s Balisier Brigade.

Rowley’s lack of vision for this country was brought into sharp focus this weekend when he Goggled his way to La Brea. This constituency was represented by the PNM for five years short of six decades and remains underdeveloped. Rowley forgot his party’s broken promises of a new industrial estate, a world class plastics industry, an aluminum industry and in nearby Point Fortin a refinery upgrade. He has now decided to give La Brea more Bois with a plywood factory. Promises Never Met!

Rowley would deliberately ignore the state-of-the-art La Brea Police Station, which was recently opened by the Prime Minister. His old talk cannot erase the start of a new hospital in Point Fortin and the ongoing works of the long awaited highway from San Fernando. He possibly will try to wish away and scandalize the Children’s Life Fund, which has saved the lives of hundreds of children. He may even hope the population remains unaware of the existence of the nearly completed Children’s Hospital.

As he descends further into gutter politics the people must be prepared for infamous PNM dirty tricks. Look out for more cocaine and missiles in water tank, be on the alert for more weed like substance, more checks and photographs, more hotel room expose and perhaps a new version of a Baptist letter.

A politically wounded Rowley is dangerous as he limps to certain defeat!

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