Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Volney claims ownership of Section 34; no urging from politicians

Former Trinidad and Tobago Justice Minister on Tuesday poured cold water on claims by his former cabinet colleague Jack Warner that Section 34 was part of a conspiracy involving Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Warner told reporters Tuesday that Mrs Persad-Bissesssar hatched the plan in order to free businessmen Ishwar Galbaransingh and Steve Ferguson and that the deal involved millions of dollars.

But in an immediate response the Prime Minister denied all the accusations from Warner.  

On Tuesday, Volney issued a brief statement in which he claimed ownership of the controversial section for which he was fired from cabinet. 

"Section 34 was conceived by me, with no urging from the political directorate of the country," Volney stated. "It was hammered out in the Senate by Opposition, Government and Independent benches and it was a Parliamentary oversight not to include white collar crime in the Schedule of exempted crimes."

Volney said it was intended "to force the hand of the DPP to prosecute long outstanding matters where oppression, by delay, was becoming an issue. It was juridically conceived by me given my background on the bench." 

He added, "If there was anything wrong with it in principle, I was to accept responsibility for it."

The PM recalled parliament and repealed Section 34 within hours of being advised to do so. In a nationwide address she offered an apology to the nation.

"To the people of Trinidad and Tobago, to His Excellency the President of Trinidad and Tobago, to the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, to the Chief Justice and the DPP, on behalf of my government I express my sincerest apology. I am strengthened by the experience, firmer in my resolve to stay the course of changing the society for the better and humbled by the advice, support and encouragement received from so many," she said.

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