Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rowley imports disgraced US politicians to cover up lack of plan and support: Moonilal

Roodal Moonilal: "Two persons from the United States journeyed to Port of Spain to endorse Dr Rowley, but both individuals had allegations of corruption hanging over them."

UNC Deputy Political Leader Dr Roodal Moonilal at a press conference at the Hyatt this evening criticized PNM Leader Dr Keith Rowley for failing to produce his party’s manifesto.

“The country has been waiting for 293 days to hear what Keith Rowley’s plans for the future are; what he would do if he becomes Prime Minister,” Dr Moonilal said. “Tonight, Mr Rowley stood up and said he finally had a plan – that it was on its way. But all we heard was more of the same; more railing against his political opponents and talking about the past rather than setting out a plan to improve the lives of people in our country."

“What is increasingly apparent is that Mr Rowley has no real plan for the future. He has no idea how to take this country forward. He would divide the people of Trinidad & Tobago based on his own political self-interest and take our country backwards.

“We heard of old ideas like local government reform, you will recall that for 10 years – 2001 – 2010 the PNM pursued this, but nothing happened. And we heard of another attempt to create instability by creating joblessness with the Revenue Authority which will lead to unemployment. It is clear that he intends to raise taxes to finance that change.

Dr Moonilal called on the PNM Leader to come clean on his plans to pay for his $60 billion dollar vanity railroad project.

“It is interesting that Mr Rowley spoke of Parliamentary reform when it was the People’s Partnership Government that had the most comprehensive reform in the country’s history.

“Today out of a population of 1.3 million people, no citizen was prepared to come forward to endorse him. Two persons from the United States journeyed to Port of Spain to endorse Dr Rowley, but both individuals had allegations of corruption hanging over them. If these are the people who are here to endorse Dr Rowley, then he is in good company.

“Keith Rowley has no plan, but more than that – he lacks the vision that our country needs to take us to the next level. He wants to take us backward. Back to the days of the last time he was in government when our country was divided and our people were hurting. This is not the leadership our country needs,” he added.

Dr Moonilal noted that Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar and the People’s Partnership have a plan to work together to make our country a better place to live for everyone.

“The People’s Partnership will make targeted investments in healthcare, education and public safety, and build on the achievements we have delivered over the last five years, like the lowest unemployment and the dramatic increase in fresh, clean drinking water being delivered to family homes. From 17% to 74% in just five years,” he said.

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