Thursday, August 20, 2015


Roodanl Moonilal: "This sham document not a plan; it is not even Rowley’s."
Deputy Political Leader of the United National Congress, Roodal Moonilal, issued the following statement today, Thursday 20 August, 2015:
This supposed PNM manifesto can simply be described as too little too late.

This is not a manifesto. It is effectively a note of apology.

Keith Rowley’s party still does not have a plan. There is no vision or suggestion for a better future for Trinidad and Tobago.

It is now blatantly apparent why Rowley delayed publishing this document for so long - almost 300 days. He has deliberately delayed publication of this manifesto until the last possible moment for he knew he had to publish a document at some stage and he left it as late as could.

He did this so the public would not have time to digest its contents because he was afraid his supposed manifesto would be scrutinised. However I can tell you we will still make sure it is scrutinised. This is not a manifesto it is a glossy brochure. There is no content and no real policies. So no plan for the future only pictures and slogans.

The document he has published today, just two weeks before 7th September, is the bare minimum Rowley thought he could get away with at the last possible moment. He is insulting the intelligence of voters. How can he expect to be elected on the basis of such a flimsy document which was clearly drawn up on the back of an envelope at the last possible moment?

A leader without a plan - or a manifesto of any true description - is not fit to hold office and not fit to serve the people of Trinidad and Tobago.
The PNM has failed on competence by producing this awful document so late. They have failed on governance and accountability by not being transparent and allowing the public to scrutinise this document.

Clearly Mr. Rowley and the PNM saw it as more important to import scandal-ridden Americans to criticise Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister than to publish a fit and proper election manifesto on time. According to Colm Imbert, Rowley had not even seen the document until yesterday. So not only is this sham document not a plan; it is not even Rowley’s.

Today we have seen their negative advertising campaign attacking Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s plan for a better future. This shows their priorities. Rowley and his Party are more interested in anger, negativity and bacchanal than discussing their own plans for our country’s future. They are afraid to promote their own supposed manifesto. A manifesto which addresses the politics of the past.

In total contrast, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has shown she has a vision, mission and clear plan for the future of Trinidad and Tobago. Her policies for the future will deliver:

• more jobs
• zero tolerance on crime
• safer streets
• improved childcare
• new schools for your children
• new roads creating jobs and linking communities
• new hospitals to care for your family.

In 18 days the people of Trinidad and Tobago will decide whether they want our country to continue moving forward – or whether they want to return to a PNM dominated past they so comprehensively rejected 5 years ago.

There is a clear choice facing voters. Only Kamla Persad-Bissessar or Keith Rowley can become Prime Minister. So the choice is forwards or backwards.

Today’s sham launch of a supposed manifesto makes clear that a vote for Rowley is to take our country backwards to the bad old days of division, poor performance and decline. By producing a document with no content, he is asking the people for a blank cheque to do whatever he likes.

Only a vote for Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s candidates can deliver a better future for all our people.

For further information and details of all aspects of the forthcoming campaign, please visit

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