Monday, August 24, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE: Rowley disappoints again – an hour long talk and no plan

UNC Deputy Political Leader Roodal Moonilal issued the following statement today (August 24, 2015): 
Tonight, Keith Rowley spoke with a reporter at length and failed once again to put forward any plan for Trinidad and Tobago in the next five years. Instead of using the opportunity to tell us what he would do as Prime Minister, Mr Rowley spent an hour talking about the past, not the future; and about himself, rather than the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

After more than 300 days and the release of a document entitled ‘PNM Manifesto,’ the public is still in the dark as to his ideas for the country over the next five years. In fact, Keith Rowley did not even use this opportunity to give details about his party document.

What was clear from his one-hour paid broadcast was that Keith Rowley is focused on the past and on himself, and not the future of the country, or the needs of the people.

Rowley has one policy - to build a Rapid Rail. He is intent on seeing this $60 billion dollar project to completion, but has failed to show how he plans to pay for it. The only way Keith Rowley can pay for his vanity railroad is to cut spending and increase taxes.

This election, voters have a clear choice to move forward with a leader who has a real, clear plan for the future of Trinidad and Tobago. Kamla Persad-Bissessar has a plan, which builds on the achievements made over the past five years to improve the quality of life for families in Trinidad and Tobago. She has a plan to improve our economy, continue upgrading our healthcare and education systems, and make our communities safer.

She has a plan to diversify our economy through the developments of the blue, green and silver economies, and also to decentralise which will distribute profits to all areas, while reducing the traffic congestion heading into and out of Port of Spain at peak hours.

She will keep the improvements in education and healthcare going. Over the past five years, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has taken a zero-tolerance approach to crime and this will carry on for a second mandate, with clearly established safe zones, transformational initiatives for hotspots, community policing, gang reduction and a comprehensive border security strategy.

On September 7th we must choose the side that has placed improving the lives of the people of Trinidad and Tobago at the centre of their plan. We must not select a leader who is intent on carrying out an egotistical, exorbitantly expensive, vanity project instead of focusing on what will enrich the lives of you and your children. The choice is clear, we must continue moving forward with Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s plan for people-centred development to make Trinidad and Tobago safer, healthier, better educated and more prosperous.

For further information and details of all aspects of the forthcoming campaign, please visit

For any further enquires please contact Nicholas Boodram: 788-0333

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