Tuesday, August 25, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE: Keith Rowley’s 60 Billion Dollar Vanity Railroad
This morning (Tuesday, 25 August), UNC Campaign Manager and Candidate for Naparima, Rodney Charles, met with reporters at the Queen’s Park Savannah, to talk about the cuts Keith Rowley will make to implement his vanity railroad project.

“Keith Rowley has doubled down on building his sixty billion dollar vanity railroad,” said Mr. Charles. “Right there, on page 38, in big, bold letters under a picture of his train are the words HIGH PRIORITY. He will build it. It is his only policy. It his only priority.”

Keith Rowley has painted himself in to a corner and he doesn’t care. Building his railroad will mean cuts. Cuts to our healthcare, education and policing.

“Keith Rowley has no choice but to make cuts – where else is he going to get the money to pay for his $60 billion dollar railroad?” said Mr. Charles. “And even with all those cuts he still can’t afford his vanity railroad, which means he will have to raise VAT, too.”

On September 7th, voters have a clear choice: who do they think is the best Prime Minister for Trinidad and Tobago.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar has a plan to improve the quality of life for all our people with new investments in education, healthcare and policing. Building on the successes of the last five years to make our country safer, heathier, better educated and more prosperous.

“Keith Rowley has no plan and no vision to bring our people together,” said Mr. Charles. “He has one recycled idea that he refuses to back down on, no matter what it costs. We cannot afford Keith Rowley’s sixty billion dollar vanity railroad.”

For further information and details of all aspects of the forthcoming campaign, please visit

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