Monday, July 13, 2015

PM Kamla promises more delivery in second term

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday challenged Colm Imbert to show what she has done for Diego Martin during his many years as the MP for the area.

She made the point as she delivered the feature address at the UNC's Monday Night Forum at the Country Club in Maraval. 

She said her PP government is proud of its record of delivery across the country, noting that her administration delivered on 90 per cent of its manifesto promises, stabilised a declining economy and brought unemployment to a record three per cent.

And she spoke about testimonials from local people who have told her how much the government's delivery means to them.

"Michael Stewart a youth here has told us how happy he is that we have re-opened and lit the Bagatelle recreation ground. He can now play football and use the grounds any time. He says it has brought the community together.

"Dularie received water in Beharry Lal Rd after waiting about 50 years.

"The Job family from Backstreet, Le Platte got water and paved roads.

"Ricardo Ghany got pipe borne water after 40 years or thereabout. He says roads were also paved.

"Brewery George from Second Trace Bagatelle received pipe borne water.

"The Alexander family in Toyer street received electricity after their area had suffered from low voltage for many years. An expensive transformer was put in to alleviate low voltage.

"Sharon Vowles from Waterhole in Patna received box drains and paved roads. Prior to this her road was a mud road.

"The Fournillier family, the Mendes family, the Constantine family and the Pierres Family are among the many families who are very grateful for the Paramin RC school. And much more.

"In just five short years we have done so much here for you. So you see real changes making a real difference to people’s lives here in Diego Martin.

"Under my Government power to the people!

"Your MP Imbert has been your MP for ….. years.

"I challenge him to say what he did in the last five years or in the five years before when he was in government...

"I have a mission. My government is working to continue to build a new and better Trinidad and Tobago. We have a clear plan is to deliver security, prosperity and a better future for everyone.

"Our polices will deliver more jobs; safer streets; improved childcare; new schools for your children; new roads creating jobs and linking communities; and new hospitals to care for your family.

"You have supported me in that mission, and I will fulfill that mission because the people and my country mean everything to me.

"You have placed your faith in me and my team to fight the battle of righteousness for your sake and for your children’s sake.

"You charged me with the responsibility to make our country a great place of peace, prosperity and justice. And I will do it. I will stand strong against our opponents and I will fight fearlessly on your behalf.

"And that is why it is so important we win this election. We have a proud record on which to stand but we need more time to finish the job we have started and to keep Trinidad and Tobago on a progressive path."

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