Monday, July 13, 2015

PM Kamla calls Rowley a liar; outlines more than a dozen lies

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar called Keith Rowley a liar Monday night and gave several examples to prove it.

She was speaking on Monday night at her party's Monday Night Forum, which was held at the Country Club in Maraval.

She made reference to a speech by the opposition leader in which Rowley claimed that she took five day weekends and that the Speaker had obstructed parliamentary questions on this issue. 

File: PNM Leader Keith Rowley (Express photo)
She said parliamentary records show this is another Rowley lie. "If he’d bothered to turn up in Parliament in November 2013 he’d know his question was answered. And the answer confirmed how hard I work and that I had chaired 94 per cent of cabinet meetings," she said.

Persad-Bissessar asked: "Is there no depth to which the opposition leader will stoop? How desperate is he to make up these ridiculous distortions?"

She then proceeded to outline some of the instances where Rowley lied. 

  1. Took fake emails to the parliament to bring down current government!
  2. Lied on the President on appointment of new Integrity Commission members, he would later apologise!
  3. Lied about the elections writs for the EBC!
  4. Lied about his ownership of an apartment at One Woodbrook Place.
  5. He lied about Las Alturas housing scandal saying he wasn't the line Minister!!
  6. LIED about the speaker not approving a question, Parliament records shows the question was approved and answered.
  7. Lied about the former AG Anand Ramlogan being at the T&T mission in New York making racist statements when the then AG had not visited the mission
  8. Waved a Pizza delivery slip in parliament as evidence of the PM receiving files from the SSA.
  9. LIED about giving the President a petition with 25,000 signatures.
  10. Lied about Lennox Grant being the general secretary of Tapia.
  11. He said that it was the PNM which put in freedom of the press as a constitutional right. History, however, records that that initiative was taken by Lionel Seukeran, Tajmool Hosein and Rudranath Capildeo in the Marlborough House consultation in 1962.
  12. Said a new government coming into office will face a lawsuit from Sural for stopping the smelter plant, when in fact the current government already won the Arbitration over Sural for stopping the smelter plant and got about 15m TT in costs.
  13. Lied about the OPV arbitration and had pay hundreds of millions of dollars INSTEAD we won and they had to pay us $1.4 b TT
She told the audience, "I promise you this, as long as we unite against them, we will defeat them and together we will continue to build the new T&T where every man, woman and child can stand tall as citizens with equal opportunities in a free democratic nation. Don’t let them talk Trinidad and Tobago down!"

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