Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Keith Rowley the "wajang" and "out of control...raging bull" is now a cry baby. Someone please pass the man a tissue!

He is deeply hurt that the UNC is telling the people the truth about him. He, of course, has a different view of himself. "The population knows me. I am an open book," he told the Express newspaper. "They have made it a career of trying to demonise me as a substitute for accounting for their stewardship."

Well first of all nobody is trying to demonise Rowley. He and his party have done a pretty good good not of demonising, but exposing his shortcomings and his unsuitability to hold office.

When the UNC is doing is using FACTS in the public domain and that is what offends the PNM leader because he know he could talk and deny but the truth will always be there. In fact it is Rowley himself so said that politics is not about being nice but about being the "biggest, baddest bulldog" in town.

The dumped Diego Martin Central representative, Dr Amery Browne, was not impressed with the Rowley PNM. "There exists a minuscule internal cabal who call themselves PNM but whose aim is really to own and totally control elected officials," Brown told the Sunday Guardian.

“This small clique always view themselves as the real powerbrokers and tend to propagate what they view as the spoils of power: ghost gangs, manipulation of contracts, and other rackets that have become a sad part of our local politics,” he said. He said some of the people whose “names they tend to float might even be trying to buy their way into the Parliament, and sadly some of them cannot even speak standard English."
Here's some more:

"To be a PNM member today you must have a long brown nose, and you must position yourself below the waist of the political leader." That's not the UNC campaign team. That Louis Lee Sing, a former PNM loyalist since age 14 who left the PNM because he was unable to deal with the bitterness and acrimony in the party.

Danny Montano, Senate President in the Manning PNM administration warned people not to vote PNM with Rowley as the party's leader. "The party deserves better than what it has", Montano told reporters during the PNM internal election.

And Penny Beckles-Robinson, who has become a PNM outcast for challenging Rowley for the leadership of the PNM admitted the PNM was organised like a cult. "Whether we accept it or not there are people who still believe that the PNM operates much like a cult.

And don't believe Rowley when he tries to tell you: "We have not engaged Kamla Persad-Bissessar personally. We have engaged her in the conduct of public business as Prime Minister.”

What about the "Dog and Cyat" talk Rowley? You think people forget?

And what about that nasty skit you and your party performed in front of young children on May 24 in Mandela Park. In case you forget, look at the picture below. It's from you "get out Kamla" rally... portraying a Prime Minister is such a vile manner as a drunk who can't even walk.

Take you licks like a man Rowley. And if you can, tell the people what they really want to know. What are your plans? What are you going to do for them? What have you ever done for them? 

In the meantime, while you try to figure that out we will focus people on who you really are - an angry, vindictive, visionless man with no ideas for T&T.

Here's where to find that message: 

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