Monday, July 13, 2015

Kamla challenges Rowley to debate her on July 30

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Monday challenged Keith Rowley to debate her one-on-one on July 30 as originally agreed.

Speaking at the Country Club at UNC Monday Night Forum, she said the country faces a crucial choice on September 7 and they deserve to be fully informed. 

Part of the huge crowd at the Country Club, Maraval Monday night
"They deserve to hear a debate between the two contenders to be Prime Minister," she said, "And we need to have it as soon as possible so that people have time to make up their minds."

She explained that earlier this year she gave her word that she would take part in a debate. "So I sent my negotiator, Larry Lalla, to meet with their Debates Commission and he did a great job. The TT Debates Commission offered a date of 30th July and a format that I was happy to accept." 

The email from the Debates Commission setting July 30 as the date for the debate
She stated that she cleared her diary to keep that date and was looking forward to participating and making her case.

"I was deeply disappointed when later the TT Debates Commission said they are not able to put on such a debate despite their previous commitment," she told supporters. "I still want that debate to take place. I am willing and keen to take part on 30th July and I say to my opponent Keith Rowley...Are you ready? Will you debate me? Let’s do this. Come on let’s do this.

"Let’s organise this between ourselves and give the people of Trinidad and Tobago the debate they deserve. Come on let’s make this happen."

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