Friday, September 4, 2015

PREVIEW OF NEW PP BUDGET: Pensioners pay no VAT for utilities; tablets for primary school students

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-­‐Bissessar made a special announcement on Friday concerning the first PP budget following the general election.

She said: "As I hope everybody is aware, I have a clear plan for a better future for Trinidad and Tobago. We have made great strides over the past five years and in the second term my government's policies will deliver:

1. more jobs;
2. zero tolerance on crime;
3. safer streets;
4. improved childcare;
5. new schools for your children;
6. new roads creating jobs and linking communities
7. new hospitals to care for your family.

"My word is my bond. I am in politics because I want to improve lives and make a difference. In my very first budget in a second I
will ensure that:

1. We will remove VAT from utility bills for pensioners, saving an
average of $900 per year for over 170,00 of our old aged citizens.
People who have worked hard all their life will be more secure in their retirement.

2. We create over 1,000 new jobs by establishing three new economic zones in East Port of Spain, the North Coast and Central Trinidad and an enterprise zone in the South East, meaning more opportunities are available for our young people with new and diverse well-paying jobs.

3. We will provide a table for every primary school student so every child has access to the technology that will ensure that they have the best possible start in life. We will also distribute vouchers for students to obtain laptops too.

4. We take a zero tolerance approach to crime by requiring each police station to meet specific crime reduction targets. By providing $100 million to clear the backlog of cases in our justice system we will ensure that police and judges can make sure that criminals pay for all crimes and the public will feel safer and more secure in their communities.

“We’re on the right path and we can continue to build a better Trinidad and Tobago by keeping our economy on track, continuing to invest in education and training to help people get better jobs, taking a zero tolerance to crime so people feel safe and protected, delivering quality health care and building crucial infrastructure to link our communities and improve lives. 

“The only way to ensure this country moves forward and does not regress backwards is to elect my government for a second term next Monday. I urge all citizens to vote for my People's Partnership candidates."

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