Saturday, August 1, 2015


When the United National Congress (UNC) launched its “NO ROWLEY” campaign a couple of weeks ago campaign manager Rodney Charles made it clear that it was no negative mudslinging move. It was based on verifiable data in the public domain, he explained, and the campaign would draw attention to shortcomings of Keith Rowley. It’s a perfect strategy in a general election campaign but not in Trinidad and Tobago as far as the People’s National Movement (PNM) is concerned.

They reacted predictably, bringing out their heavyweights – including some columnists in the daily press – to denounce the UNC for conducting “a hate campaign” aimed at “demonizing” Keith Rowley.

At least one media report stretched the point to suggest that Charles began it with a private email last year suggesting a sustained frontal attack on the PNM leader. What the reporter conveniently omitted was that Charles advised his colleagues to act professionally and always be factual and accurate.

And that was the point he made again when he launched the “NO ROWLEY” campaign, which raised the questions about Rowley’s suitability for office and also asked the PNM leader to outline his plans for the country.

In five days, the UNC highlighted other issues, including Rowley’s obsession with a $60 billion Rapid Rail system. The UNC asked Rowley to tell the country where he would find the funds for this mega project that the people rejected in 2010. Raise taxes perhaps?

The PNM faithful were vicious. While they were saying the UNC campaign was vile, “desperate and reckless” they were at the same time carrying out a hate campaign against Kamla and seeing nothing unusual about it.

They went further, threatening and bullying anyone or any establishment that seemed to be connected to or supportive of the UNC and its plans. Even Selwyn Ryan jumped in as did the PNM’s Women’s League with a counter attack on Kamla that Ryan called “brilliant, sharp and destructive.” Amazing how Ryan was calling the UNC campaign reckless but at the same time he found the PNM’s brilliant. Objectively has lost its sting, even for academics.

For the PNM, the highly effective UNC campaign was the lowest level ever for a political party. The PNM even claimed the UNC had breached ethical and other rules. The opposition party shouted abuse but didn’t even whisper an answer to the valid questions that the UNC raised. Where are your plans? Even Rowley tweeted abuse directed at Charles, focusing on a political operative rather than the woman he wants to succeed.

The PNM has tried to hide the real issue by focusing on a process, which is not relevant to the issue at hand. This is a Rowley Accountability campaign aimed at forcing Rowley to account to the people. It’s focused and factual. That’s why the PNM has launched such a vicious attack on it and the people behind it.

So I have some questions: Do you have a plan, Dr. Rowley? When will you tell it to the people? Where are you going to find money for your $60 billion Rapid rail? What is the truth about the Revenue Authority and the Property Tax? Will you raise personal taxes?

You and the PNM can argue from now until September 07 against the UNC strategy but that won’t convince anybody that you are a leader and that you have a plan.

Vague promises won’t do; leadership demands much more than that.

Ryan calls you “the most experienced parliamentarian in the region” but neither Ryan nor you can show what you have achieved in more than two decades to make you anything but a mediocre, angry non-performer.

The UNC’s view is that you are not fit to hold office. And your refusal to answer the most valid questions is proving that the UNC might be right.

The UNC is not asking anything more than the very questions the average voter is asking. Are you fit to hold office? Are you going to cut social programmes and raise taxes? Do you have a plan? Can we hear about it? Why choose you instead of a leader with a proven track record of delivery for all?

Stop dealing with the non-issue about why is the UNC targeting you. That is their right. You can’t play mas and ‘fraid power!

You must start answering the questions, Dr. Rowley. You cannot win support by continuing to be angry, by shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. And bullying won’t do either.

The people of Trinidad and Tobago are wiser than you think. And they are better informed than ever. That’s why nobody is buying your political cat in bag anymore. Kamla delivers and she has a plan! What about you? 

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- Jai Parasram is a retired TT/Canadian journalist

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