Wednesday, July 29, 2015

MEDIA RELEASE: UNC calls out Rowley on cuts to healthcare

This morning, UNC Campaign Manager Rodney Charles revealed Keith Rowley’s
hidden plan to cut spending for healthcare at a news conference at Carenage Health Centre.

“Today, we are going to shine a light on Keith Rowley’s plan to cut healthcare
spending,” said Mr. Charles. “To fund his $60 billion dollar vanity rail project, it won’t simply be enough to raise taxes – he will also have to cut spending on important services.”

Keith Rowley has, by his own admission, told us he has no idea how where he will find the $60 billion needed for his rail project.However, we also know he believes government spending has to be cut even further:
  • He says that the goal of his policies is “to achieve fiscal balance” (Draft Policy
    Statement, 16 November 2014, pg. 36) …
  • he says he wants to “control the level of Government spending” to what he
    considers “sustainable levels” (Draft Policy Statement, 16 November 2014, pg.
    36) …
  • … and most worryingly he says he wants to “control costs” in the health system
  • (Draft Policy Statement, 16 November 2014, pg. 23).
“We are launching a new poster campaign that will be going up on billboards around the country, exposing Keith Rowley’s plan to cut important funding for healthcare services,” said Mr. Charles.

“And this is why we are holding this meeting today, at the site of the Carenage Health Centre - an important health facility that under the leadership of Kamla Persad-Bissessar is under construction … but under a government led by Keith Rowley will remain a derelict building site … not helping the vulnerable, not curing the sick, not treating patients … and it will not be Keith Rowley but the public who will suffer as a result.”

Voters have an important choice to make on 7th September. A choice between two very different leaders:

Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who as Prime Minister has delivered for families and workers, who has the vision to lead our country to prosperity, and who will deliver health services like the new facility at Carenage.

Or Keith Rowley, a man who has no plan for the future of our country, and whose only agenda is to cut spending on important public services like healthcare.

For further information and details of all aspects of the forthcoming campaign, please visit
For any further enquires please contact Rodney Charles: 322-1766

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